..and Ivory..

Hey! A sponsor!*

These ads keep getting funnier and funnier. It's like some strange boobie evolutionary progression.

*not really



You're Superman and you happen to be flying past a costume party when your X-Ray vision notices that Robin Hood has accidentally mistaken a real arrow for the cardboard one he was supposed to be using for a party game. He's about to William Tell some kid, so you have to ACT FAST!


Do you:

A) Quickly fly in and get between the archer and the kid?
B) Melt the arrow with your heat vision?
C) Use super-breath to do... umm... something?
D) Tunnel underground to get into the party quickly?
E) Let the doofy kid take one. Serves him right for that haircut [Superboy Prime only]?
F) Use any random wacky Silver Age super-solution?

Hint: This is Silver Age Superman.

Remember! You have to ACT FAST! Time's running out! No dilly-dallying, mister! A kid's life is on the line!

You certainly wouldn't have time for... oh... say ... THIS:

Taken from Lois Lane #191. It's been used before, will be used again.

And to think.. the Roller Girl actually asked me why I read things like 50 year old Lois Lane's. All I had to do was to show her that sequence.

"Ah. That's .... um... yeah."

(See? More posts! Hiatus slowly working it's way off...)


...is sick of playing 4th wheel.

Panels from World's Finest #85. Hiatus slowly easing up. Hopefully.

(Boy, Robin looks pissed!)

Hiatus Ongoing...

Sorry again for the long break. Things are all farked up around here.

Still Here...

Just unbelievably busy. Some things have to be put on hold, I'm afraid.

You would not believe the year I'm having...

Anyhoo.. here's a funny from my favorite daily web comic, SMBC:

Seriously, this guy has an amazing sense of humor...



Still feeling a bit .. off.. and not really up to a full-fledged post, so here's a halfway finished 'shop that you.. yes YOU! .. can help out with by supplying Sluggo's punchline! Whee!

Actually, I really couldn't think of anything worthy of that image. And I really didn't "match" Sluggo up to the other things in the cover very well, did I? Anyway, wouldn't you want to read the inside story? Aliens? Time travel? Ray gun accident? Sluggo's wacky invention? Nancy practical joke? Marvel comics summer cross-over? I can't really decide..

Well, back to the shower...

Quick Note

...a bit under the weather. Details would be .. umm.. icky.


No Bad Choice

In a perfect world, this would happen.

That's a guaranteed $0.60 sale, right there.

Kudos to you if you get the safeword joke! Just Kudos. Can't afford no no-prize around here...

And then...

...there was that time when the High Evolutionary visited Alf...

Click for Melmacian Sized

Which, of course, led to this:

Ah... memories...


...and we're back. Again. Probably. Hopefully, anyway...

Thanks to Sally for the panel. It's a great blank and will be used again.

Made better porn names for them. Least I could do.

Internet = teh suxors

As if everything else wasn't going on... the internet connection I have here at home is bad enough that I have several technicians from the main branch of my local provider out here to examine the problem. It's like an extra geeky episode of House. Current theory is that it's a bandwith limitation problem, but I told them that my pr0n is on the unshared network. Even showed them. Twice. Now they won't leave.

Hope it all resolves itself soon.. I haven't forgotten you guys.. it's just, well.. life and all. And bad technology. Be back soon!

Derby Day - Special BIG TIME LIVE Edition (Now - Ongoing!)

Tonight, the Treasure Valley Roller Girls are bouting in the biggest venue they've ever been in. See, the Idaho Stampede (NBA affiliate) has worked a deal with them to cross-promote and allow the girls to use the Idaho Qwest Arena for a one time, see-how-it-goes bout during a prime-time weekday. Needless to say, everyone's more than excited ... and more than a little nervous!

This is a huge venue (well, huge for Boise, anyway), and we're really not expecting to come close to filling it up - but any halfway decent showing will have massive ramifications on the future of Roller Derby in the area. I expect my Tivo to pick up all sorts of local broadcasts tonight with colorful news segments featuring the on-the-spot girly reporter trying to skate in a circle before jokingly being "hit" by an actual TVR girl, "*Ouch!* Well, it's really harder than it looks.. back to you, Bob!"

Anyway, as head scorekeeper, I'll be dealing with the jumbotron and the logistics of adapting it to roller derby scoring nomenclature. And on actually working it properly. I'm sure it'll be a mess. Derby scoring is more constant than even basketball, and it takes a lot of communication with the officials to make it work smoothly. There are often corrections, too.. something you never like to see on a live scoreboard.

Well, it's sure to be an experience, at any rate... Oh! And a bonus of having such a large media machine behind this bout... You get to watch it!

That's right.. tune in here at 7pm Mountain (9pm Eastern) and watch a live streaming broadcast of a Treasure Valley Roller Derby bout! You'll certainly see the Roller Girl at some point.. and, if you're lucky and I'm actually on the floor, maybe even me!

If, for some reason, my embedding doesn't stick, you can watch from the TVR girls main page: http://www.treasurevalleyrollergirls.net

Hope you enjoy it! Now, I'm off to set up...

EDIT: I really can't believe it, but almost a month after the event, the above stream still works. So, if you're curious... you can still watch the entire bout, start to finish! And... it was a squeaker! Came right down to the last jam! An exciting bout, but a real busy one for us scorekeepers.

I'm not on camera at all, but the Roller Girl gets quite a lot of play time. I'm stuck sitting behind the camera wearing a headset and logistically talking with the guy who's announcing the stream (which starts after the Nation Anthem is sung). I did get to push the big arena horn button, which was a lot more fun than I though it would be.

Oh, and that floor ... that's plastic fiber tiles set over hockey ice. Very slick to skate on. You can see the trepidation some of the girls have to work through during the first few minutes before they really get going.

When Zombie Attack, Wise Man Get Shotgun.

From the genius that brought you "Rise and Fall of the Nazi Dinosaurs," comes the next greatest thing ever...

Zoo of the Dead!

I love this guy. We have remarkably similar tastes...

(heh. Zombie pun.)


Created, without tweaking, using Worlde as pointed out by snell over at Slay, Monstrobot!!

Now I'm strangely hungry for some reason...

Mandolin Reign

Well, things have certainly been busy this week for a halfway decent out-of-work mandolin player who can show up for late-night events when St. Patrick's Day falls on a Tuesday!

I've still got gigs to go to! Hey.. at least I'm making money! Not getting any sleep, but.. oh well!

Did you know some bars will pay you with all the beer you can drink? That cuts out a financial transaction. And teaches those bars a valuable lesson in supply-side economics.

Get Baking, You!

Here at The Want List, we have a few sacred cows we like to celebrate every now and then. And, it helps when one of our most treasured turns out to have its very own delicious holiday! So...

Happy Pi Day, Everyone!

Pi day, in addition to being an easy excuse to ditch the diet, is actually an annual event where the Earth's calendar syncs up to the mathematical value of π: 3.14159265.... or, March 14 at 1:59 pm. It's a day of fun, frivolity, frolicking, and delicious fruit filling!

(Actually a better pi day, a once-in-a-millennium one, will come around in 2026 or in 2015 at 9:26, but I can't wait that long for pie!)


Ah, pie! Where would we be without you? Nowhere delicious, I can tell you that! As far as I'm concerned, pie makes the world go around! Why, look! Here's Batman once again using pie to apprehend the criminals!

Actually, it's part of a Goddamn Batman Micro-Bombs Fruit Pie Theme! Sorta.

Yay! So, quit bloggin' stop wastin' time and get out there and make some pie, everyone! Ummm... Pie...


And, hey! It's on a weekend this year! So, get those sweatpants on and start bakin'! To get things rolling, here's my all-time favorite chef (and fellow UGA graduate), Alton Brown showing you how easy it is to make an ultra-easy version of one of my all-time favorite pies... A Shoo-Fly Pie! (link goes to recipe) As a bonus, it gets rid of that half bottle of molasses you have hidden in the back of your pantry... and shows you how to actually make brown sugar! Wowsers!

Trust me, it's faboo!

Enjoy your pie time, kiddies!

They're the best of friends!


This is the greatest. Watchmen. Parody. Ever.

Please.. someone forward it to Mr. Moore. I think he'd enjoy it.

Holy crap, is that ever funny on so many levels!

Bitter Endings

That movie forgot something, Y'know. Personally, I didn't miss it.. but I'm sure some others did.

Still a great movie. Been thinking about it for most of the day. That's a good sign.

Dear Mr. Snyder


I watched your Watchmen last night.

It's a move that I was - quite literally - waiting 20 years to see. And not see. You see, as I grew older and re-read the book over and over again (I was one of those die-hard comic geeks that made a point of reading the book every year since I was 18. Some folks read a yearly Shakespeare, some re-read Heart of Darkness or watch Citizen Kane ... me? I did Watchmen. Every year.), I became increasingly convinced that it would never translate to film very well, in spite of my first teenage impressions of how bitchin' a movie would be. Several key elements could only be captured through the unique pacing of comics - it's camera was not the theater's camera.

Jon slow internal monologue on Mars. The Laurie / Comedian reveal. The ending, by God! - that would never work on film! Veidt as smarter-than-everyone (personally, I think you missed that one). Rorschach (which Haley absolutely NAILED). The costume sex (Zack? Please. That was unnecessary. You know what I'm talking about). The alternate time period and style. The massive character development. All of the background material that fleshed out the world with a subtlety I couldn't imagine working in film.

Part of me was relieved each time a planned film version was scrapped. It made the possibility of me having another "No, really.. the comic is soooo much better than that god-awful movie!" conversation with my non-comic friends that much further away.

So, understand that I went into this thing with (I think) realistic expectations. If not completely on the bottom of the low side. I went to honor a promise I made to my 18-year old self. I was in a large group of people - a nice mix of people who were familiar with the book / extremely familiar with the book / just finished it before the movie (including the Roller Girl) / didn't know anything about it going in.

And even though I know that no film version of Watchmen would ever be a perfect match for what I thought of in my head 20 years ago when I first was reading it (and my version would certainly disappoint scores of other fans), and even though I know (indeed, expected) elements of the book would have to be changed to better fit the vehicle of film, I have to say - that as a movie taken on it's own ... with all you had to work with to give it a proper adaption... based on all of the after-movie discussions..


Thanks. Really.

And this is coming from a guy with Rorschach tattoos. Right above his Jack Kirby ones.

But, man.. you gotta fix that soundtrack! UGG!


Hey! There's some kinda weird new movie opening this week! Not sure what it's about, really. Based on the trailers, it looks like a live action Gorillaz video... or The Goddamn Blue Man GroupTM... or some sort of super-hero latex costume porn thing. Not that I've ever watched anything like that, mind you!*

Anyhoo, let's take that opportunity, mix it up with that 'ol Sluggo panel, and make it into a (sorta) theme (semi) quickie (half) week!

What'cha think?

Yep! Me too!

*Heck, I've got FOLDERS of the stuff. Sorted alphabetically. According to character.

Burden to Society

So... guess who's unemployed?

Posting may be a bit sporadic for a while.

Derby Day

Really, really been busy these days ... Sorry 'bout the low content (again)...

Oooh.. That Hurt

Always Remember ...

Jonah Hex

Knows Funny.

Seriously. Hex threw a rattler at the dude's junk. Hardcore.

I've Done This. I Have the Toys to Prove it

No time to post - I had a long meeting followed by an equally long interview.

Keep your fingers crossed.

So.. here's some Nazi Dinosaurs instead.

Token Agreement

Folded Soup presents ...

(A morality play in fourteen panels.)

or.. Justice League: Unlimited Affirmation

Thank you!

Please return your unused programs.

Size Matters

I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day. If you "celebrate" that sort of thing, that is. Me? I hate that damn forced "holiday" - for various and sundry reasons which I won't go into here.

Still.. we had our fun, in our own way*...
Nothing like this, though**:
Not one bit***.

*On a semi-related note.. go see Coraline. It's fantastic. We may go see it again!
**Well, kinda like that.
***A bit.

More Refrigerator Follies

Almost a quickie. Once I saw the cover and had the idea, the rest was surprisingly easy!

Well.. it's kinda romantic... when you think about it... sorta.

Oh, you Jughead!

Believe it.. or not!

Hey! It's another Romance Comic! Kinda like there's a theme this week for some reason..

Brenda didn't believe in premarital sex.

Yep.. it's a thinker.

Love Devices

Totally stolen from Adam. Blame him. But to be fair, when the panels are that good to begin with, I just can't help it. Plus, it's getting near that dang holiday, so it's kinda appropriate. I guess.

Hah! Someone needed to slap that woman! I'm just glad ol' Aaron was machine enough for the job!

Speaking of slapping around the women... where's Hammerin' Hank during all this? Wasn't that his job?

I miss Nextwave. Sigh.

Catching Up

So... what'd I miss?

Let's see... Big summer cross-overs are done. That's good. Comics are now $3.99?!? Criminy!! The Watchmen movie "potential boatloads of cash" lawsuit has been settled. Ehh. Batman died...

What, again!? Sheesh!


Man, I love that World's Finest cover! And fun Batman.

'course, I kinda like the Goddamn one, too...