Jonah Hex: Badass Week Yet Again!

No Most Wanted this week because, even with a new Frank Miller's All-Star Goddamn Batman and Robin it's still not Badass enough to interfere with Jonah Hex week!

On with Day 3! Let the shootout begin!

Yahoo news is announcing that a Jonah Hex movie is on the way. Eventually. You know how these things work. From the writing/directing team of "Crank," it's said to be not a straight-ahead Western, but instead gives the character some "supernatural overtones." This could go either way, I think. It would really worry me if they decided to give the character some "Science-fiction overtones," knowhutimean? Wait and see, hope for the Badass.

Coincidentally, Mike Sterling over at Progressive Ruin also gives us his thoughts on the movie announcement and in a much more thorough way than I could, I should add. But you're no doubt already reading his blog, so you know this.

As long as I'm outsourcing the entries today, allow me to also refer you to The Good Doctor at Polite Dissent and his fantastic medical explanation for Jonah Hex's scarring. It's a real, honest to Badass scarring that makes actual medical sense. And, as I always suspected, his disfigurement could be easily repaired, even with the medical knowledge at the time. But, anyone who really thinks about it will realize that the scar is not a mere physical pretense. Jonah must forever bear that mark. Doc goes into that a bit, too. But you're no doubt already reading his blog, so you know this. And that he uses Britney Spears to demonstrate the whole thing, which is the funny.

And now ... More Badass Hex panels!

Jonah Hex!

Knows how to delegate the labor!

Jonah Hex!


Jonah Hex!

Budgets his money!

Jonah Hex!

Hates salesmen!

Jonah Hex!

(You already know how this one ends.)

Choose wisely!

Jonah Hex!

Will knock you and your brother out using your other brother!
(That is one particularly Badass panel, right there...)

Jonah Hex!

Is secure in his masculinity!

Jonah Hex!

You will like his cooking!

Jonah Hex!

Understands current social issues!

Jonah Hex!

Don't even think about it. Seriously.

Tomorrow: Jonah Hex?! .... Awwww... Fuck!

1 comment:

SallyP said...

Lovely. Lovely, lovely lovely. Heh.

Gosh, I do miss this sort of dialogue. Complete with all the "whuts" and "thars". I like the new issues of Jonah Hex, but seriously, it could stand a bit more dialect.