Back to Civilization! (well, sorta)

Ah... air conditioning...

Well, that was fun! We all had a fantastic time camping and have many great stories to tell. Well, one real good one, anyway. Maybe later. Actually, we're still recovering. Meaning we've got all these dishes, laundry, gear (un)packing, cleaning and (re)packing still to do. Why, I haven't even had time to read last week's comic haul! Which means I'm still missing out on seeing what the ramifications of having Ambush Bug back in the DC universe were. Or are still. Or something.

I'm still curious as to how he talked his way back into comics in the first place! That must've been some editorial meeting!


(Siskoid says he likes these AB quickies. I do too. So, why the hell not do another one?!?)


Sea-of-Green said...

Welcome back from your trip. :-) And -- YES -- yay for AB quickies!

SallyP said...

Ambush Bug definitely had his moments. My favorite is the explanation for the reason that Jean Loring REALLY killed Sue Dibny. was the trip? Any bears?

Siskoid said...

All this for lil'ol meeeee?

FoldedSoup said...

Camping was great, Sally. No bears. We did have to abandon a tent to the elements, but that's a different story.

Partly for you, Siskoid, but really, having the GF lean over my shoulder to ask, "Why is Batman punching Ed Koch?" kinda made it a done deal.