Never Show how the Trick is Done..
That one scene from the movie really stuck with me something fierce.. I keep seeing it in my head even when flipping through old Batman comics. Especially when flipping through old Batman comics.

Oh, and sorry I've been kinda terse with the typing and writing and stuff.. we're shifting work schedules around here and I'm still getting used to when my "free" time is. It's easier just to photoshop, post and go sometimes...
Snack time!
Gosh, I'm entertained and revolted at the same time1
You'd think with all the gruesome stuff Batman's seen and done that the Joker's pencil stunt wouldn't even begin to faze him. "Pencil?! Hell, Jim, you should've seen what I did with an orange-juice squeezer just last Tuesday!"
"Won't talk, eh?... Robin! Hand me that lemon zester!"
"... and bring the turkey baster while you're at it!" ;-)
"...AND the egg-beater1"
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