Out of Order

Well, the time has come for me to completely break down my computer and re-install everything. It's really long overdue - the background detritus is getting out of control, viruses are running amok, my C: drive is capped out on space, and it really is just generally time for a complete purge / re-do.

This might take a while.

I would've had a funny photoshop notice for this, but me being me and not thinking beforehand, I've already uninstalled photoshop. Oh well.

I'll be back to regular posts (hopefully) on Monday. In the meantime, I'll be pulling what's left of my hair out starting everything from scratch.

Oh, and drinking. A lot.

Raise a weekend beer and toast for me in the hopes I don't forget anything too important....



Rollin' Around

Well, it's been quite the busy day! I'm still going through all the new comics I picked up! A nice new selection including Ultimate Spider-Man, Casanova, Daredevil, Morrison's Batman ... I'll need a few drinks before I actually get around to reading Frank Miller's Goddamn Joker though, let me tell you!

Frank always reads better with a buzz on. Particularly whiskey. Neat. Ice is for sissies. Goddamn sissies.

Plus, The Roller Girl and I spent some time at the tattoo artists' place checking out what will eventually be her latest. And brother? It's a doozy, even going from the early sketches. She's pretty giddy about it, actually.

So, because of that, and because it's kinda late for me to make up a completely new Flash Bashing crappy photoshop joke, I instead present another quickie. Only modestly changed for that personal touch.

But still, it is a pretty spiffy Flash cover...

Never piss off a Roller Girl. Trust me.

After Gobble Party

Well, that was a fun Thanksgiving! Still munching on leftovers, even!

Now that I'm back, I took some time to catch up on the usual blogs I read to see what everyone's been up to. It seems like everyone likewise had a great holiday - glad to hear it!

Over at the Hoosier Journal of Inanity, Sea_of_Green took a break from her usual Green Lantern head-bashing to poke fun at The Flash this week. It didn't take long for Sally to follow suit.

(That makes me think: Anyone ever seen these two ladies together at the same time? Jus' sayin...)

And so - because I want to hang out with the cool crowd...

Ah! It's good to be back!

Papa Don't Preach

Adam asked, so I'm answering!

10 Minutes Earlier...

Made myself giggle again. Good sign.

Thanks, Adam! (and congrats on the year!)

How World War Hulk *Should Have* Ended: Finale!

It's a shame, but it's over. Oh, well.. I'm sure I can find a way to work those delicious Hostess Fruit Pies into future crappy photoshops...


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
How I thought it would end

As usual, click for Hulk Size

Kinda deep, huh? Y'see, Bruce's climactic immersion into the delicious fruit filling is actually a metaphor for the human condition, and when the dual flavor choices of Apple and Cherry is juxtaposed with the internal good vs. evil struggle that is the Hulk's epitome (green vs. red), the crux of this little morality play thus becomes unto like a...

Oh, I give up! I haven't been able to bullshit a thesis since I left college English classes.

No Post Thursday! Whoo-Hoo!

Sorry 'bout this, but I'm S'posed to cook for tomorrow's cooperate Thanksgiving lunch. And I mean cook - 50+ people!

(And yes, ladies.. I can cook. Like you wouldn't believe. Rowr, Rowr!)

So, instead of the usual photoshop mock-up, here's an actual panel that I've been saving for a while but haven't found a decent use for as of yet:

Ah, pre-feminism Wonder Woman.. where are you now?

Suggestions are welcome.. that one's too good to go to waste!

Kicking a Dead Horse

Eh, one more time...

(I really hope this isn't becoming a reoccurring theme!)
(Well, kinda...)

Too easy!

Now.. where'd I put that All Star Superman? *drool....*

I Have a Cunning Plan...

Well, Batman does anyway:

And with that one, I'm off to see me some Original Star Trek on the big screen. I'm pretty sure someone's jealous. Countdown until he points out that the original rejected pilot was "The Cage" in 1....7.....0...1...

(Just kidding!)

(Man, this one's particularly crappy.. I could've spent another day cleaning up that done-too-many-times joke...)
(For instance, I should've used Carmine Infantino pointing hands instead of the arrows...)
(...and made it look more blue-printy...)

(Yes, I'm a big ol' geek.)

Diversión con el Ayudante Personal y un Aviso Especial de la Lista del Deseo

Primeras cosas primero...

Aquí en la lista del deseo, sentimos arrepentido la necesidad de informarle que eso debido a la huelga del escritor reciente, no podemos proveer de usted, el lector querido, cualquier nuevo saqueo en activamente de imitación divertido (y, de una manera, homaging!) material previamente original. Franco, todos nuestros satirists han rechazado producir incluso un solo panel del humor juvenil del patio si fueron basadas alrededor cualquier cosa ese remotamente los tortazos uniformes del contenido original. Tan hoy, no habrá un panel cómico levantado cariñosamente del contenido original de la gente, tastelessly (y desvergonzadamente!) modificado para conseguir a una risa barata todo el rato que da crédito completo y completo a la fuente original.

Con esa comprensión, tomemos una diversa trayectoria y en lugar de otro creemos una mirada totalmente original de la pa'gina-por-pa'gina en el nuevo ayudante personal y la colección de los forasteros:

Ayudante Personal y los Forasteros # 3: Páginas 20-21

Detrás en la arboleda anaranjada...

¿Quién desabrochó sus pantalones?

Conseguí la energía TAN TAN-TAN-TAN TAN TAN-TAN-TAN... Caja negra del Oh, usted no es justo para los clubs gays más.

Visión desde la boina-leva.

Pares de los golpes del taser y de los dobleces anaranjados de la escuadrilla. Bien, eso es qué sucede cuando usted hace compras en el almacén del goon del descuento. Y marcaré para arriba el sintaxis con tiza borroso a manejar mal de Katana de su segunda lengua.

¿Qué si le caí? ¿Usted sería listo para ÉSE?

Y sobre la ciudad, el ayudante personal prueba que él es más que apenas un valise gris grande que se arrastrará alrededor señalando algo que sucede debajo del helicóptero mientras que él está sobre él. Soy seguro que la línea de la vista no se aplica al ayudante personal HeroClix tampoco.

Ahora con un receptáculo útil de la explosión.

No sé qué insinuacíon para reírse de primero, así que yo le dejaré proveer su propia broma.

Cuando solamente el jugo anaranjado apagará su sed.

Mientras que el otros van después de la bomba del gas (a pesar de ser no listo), el ayudante personal se arrastra hacia gracias de las láminas del propulsor que hacen girar a las tomas prácticas en el Orangecopter detrás (porque claramente, él es listo para cualquier cosa).

Directamente a Bowser.

¿Está emitiendo una señal sonora ruidosa que no estoy oyendo o es Metamorpho tan prescient como ayudante personal?

Geo-Fuerza: El individuo que usted desea en una cabina en las maderas.

Conjeturo que él es. Usted conoce, sin el colorante, Rex puede ser que también sea un hombre del metal.

Las muchas caras de Rex.

Amenaza triple: Prescient, metal Manish Y absolutamente bueno en guardar su gas contuvo. Él es señoras disponibles. Tengo no ver el zafiro en esta serie todavía.

La lista del deseo espera que nuestro viaje virginal en contenido totalmente original no haya confundido cualesquiera de nuestros lectores queridos, y las razones de este cambio drástico son fácilmente comprensibles. Esperanzadamente esta huelga horrible terminará rápidamente y podremos continuamos como antes con más de nuestras parodiar, relatos, spoofs, y vignettes generalmente en vez de tener que recurrir a tentativas más infantiles en el material totalmente original. ¡Mantengamos nuestros dedos cruzados, cada uno!

Sometimes, They're Handed to You

Man - just when I have an idea in my head ready to go, Adam goes and posts something that just begs to be made fun of and completely changes the schedule. Oh well, I can save the old one for later. S'not like any of my writers are here these days, anyway.




Well, it made me giggle anyways...

Actually, this is really just an excuse for me to use the ol' slang "Scratch" in modern day common parlance.


Whelp, that was one Spook-tacularly fun Halloween! But, I'm back and so let's wade back into the basics...

Crappy Juvenile Photoshop Jokes!

(I'm actually kinda happy with this one)

(Yeah, it's an easy mark, but whattayagonnado??)

Oh, and please go see Spamalot, if you get the chance. It's surprisingly fantastic! You will have a good time, believe you me!

(And, who knew there were so many lyrical rhymes for 'Jew?')