Introducing ....

Ladies and Gentlemen ...

Children of all ages ...

For your viewing enjoyment ...

Straight from the pages of Tiny Titans !!

A FoldedSoup production !!

Here, for the first time in public ... I give you ... ...

Li'l Dr. Light !!!!

. . . . . . . . . .

Awww... That's adorable! Couldn't you just eat him up?!?

Please restrict all complaints, chastisements, and other scoldings to the comments section below. Management makes no apologies, is not the least bit sorry, and no refunds will be given. Hope you enjoyed the ride!

OK, who wants a regular feature starring the Li'l Doc?

Wait ... That could get real ugly, real fast... Nevermind.


SallyP said...

Oh my God. They actually put DR. LIGHT in a book for children? Granted, they probably wouldn't know about his more, but still!

Nevertheless, this is inappropriately hilarious.

FoldedSoup said...

Heh. You've inadvertently flattered my crappy Photoshop skills, Sally!

Dr. Light - the adult science teacher - is in the latest Tiny Titans. Which isn't so odd, considering that Slade and Trigon are also teachers. S'Part of the fun.

Li'l Dr. Light is completely my own creation from my own li'l sick mind. Seemed like a natural joke to make.

Worked pretty well, too!

Baal said...

Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature! Regular feature!

Sea-of-Green said...

I'm with Baal! :-)